South is an amazing destination, whose range extends beyond the surf, beautiful beaches, incredible sunsets, delicious cuisine, as well as demonstrate the diversity of offerings and offering alternative activities in rural communities that highlight their natural beauty inviting visitors to be part of their daily tasks.
For two years Mr. Guillermo Mena - resident of the community of San Rafael del Valle de las Delicias district in San Juan del Sur - successfully promotes and sells rides to the nearby farms on the river and some beaches, performing highlighting Beach Haven, Mirador and dead waters. The tours, lasting 3 hours, starting in the city of San Juan del Sur where the visitor moves Delights vehicle where they are greeted by Mr. Mena to make the trip selected. For information and reservations please call 8618 to 9724.
After we hope your journey at Restaurant El Timon to admire the bay delights of adventure and sunsets while enjoying our culinary offerings, always prepared with the freshest of artisanal fisheries of San Juan del Sur. PUBLIC RELATIONS
Paseo del Rey - Seaside Resort Oceanfront
San Juan del Sur, Rivas
Phone: 2568-2243
E mail: restauranteeltimon@yahoo.com, restauranteeltimonsjs@gmail.com
Site Web: www.eltimonsjs.com
Blog: http://novedadessanjuandelsur.blogspot.com