Rudder Restaurant opens its doors after nearly two months of remodeling, improving access and decoration. The aim is to provide the best service to our customers - said Randall House, General Manager of the establishment -. Restaurant
Helm distinguishes itself by offering the best food, the best and freshest of artisanal fisheries of San Juan del Sur, constant offers and promotions, as well as shows and concerts to promote talent Sanjuaneño and Nicaragua. In this sense, Restaurant El Timon, continue to offer its traditional happy hour Monday through Thursday from 4 pm until sunset. Of course you must not forget the charming and Verbena alegrísimos Thursday to celebrate our Nicaraguan-and share with our visitors.
Remember, this bay and sunsets adventure waiting for you.
San Juan del Sur - Nicaragua
Phone 2568-2243 E mail: restauranteeltimon@yahoo.com