Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Cystic Frobsis Short Term Needs


recovered almost completely, even though it costs me to restart my way, I intend to dedicate a Christmas dessert in my family is almost a must at this time. It is very difficult to develop and improve within 24 hours. I hope you enjoy him as much as I did. INGREDIENTS: - 1 tablet of chocolate fondant - 4 eggs - 100 gr. Sugar. - About 120 grams flour (could not add one) FILLING: - A chestnut cream jar of 250 grams. - 100 grs. whipped cream. PREPARATION: - Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave (1 min-rest-1mn), add the yolks and beat. - Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch salt, and add the sugar when they are hard. Continue beating until shiny. - Mix egg whites with the chocolate, stirring motion, and pour it on a baking tray with silicone paper. Bake 15 minutes at 180 degrees preheated oven. - Remove from oven, pour onto a damp cloth and roll with the same cloth. Leave a little while. Mix all the filling carefully. - Dust with icing sugar. Cut off both ends of the diagonal trunk and put them on the sides of the trunk broken branches imitating an old log. - Decorate with meringue mushrooms, mistletoe ... - Take it very cold. Store in the refrigerator. INTRODUCTION: - A chocolate mousse baked in sheet form that is filled with whipped cream and rolled in a trunk. TECHNICAL :

- Mousse:

Melt chocolate with a little water and sugar (optional) depending on the type of chocolate. Add the egg yolks and stop tuning. - Place the egg whites until stiff peaks form when the chocolate is warm, and that failure would fall. - Cake: Pour the mousse on a baking tray. Bake at 180 º - Cut edges of the cake, which will be more cooked and therefore harder. Prevent it does not form a crack along the cake. - It is easier to roll up the cake using a rag. - The cake must be cold before filling it with whipped cream. VARIATIONS: Filling: cream, truffle custard, jam, chestnut cream, etc ... CONSERVATION: - 1 day in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic. Pets freezing.


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