Interview with Mario Giordano, director of Wines of Argentina
Argentina a decade ago saw the need to build a brand-country through the wine, the way that we are committed to promoting our gastronomy. Until relatively recently, in the European and Asian and even American, to name the most important consumer markets, no one knew that Argentina was taken and produced wine, mingled even their geographic location and, except Maradona The rest was foreign global interest. On the process of dissemination and marketing of Argentine wine, Mario Giordano his experiences.
According to Matt Kramer, editor of the influential Wine Spectator magazine, Argentine wines are unique in the world. In what lies the uniqueness?
Both Kramer and Robert Parker have been generous and wise with their prophecies. Parker realized that the malbec was the great strain and that Argentina is consolidating. The uniqueness has to do with the weather, or you have it or not. Our vineyards grow to 3,200 meters high, others bloom in the southernmost part of the world, and have more than 1.600 kilometers of crops glued to the Cordillera, this creates a set of elements and irreproducible elsewhere. The strain comes from Cahors malbec and literally means "bad beak." That is, it was an interesting product for the French. Today Cahors spurting to claim its strain as the 'original' and puts his stands on the side of our world in exhibitions. That sounds fantastic. Now everyone does malbec, Australians, Californians, Chileans, but they are different and it's good that people try all. How
built their brand-country?
is a long process that began to take shape in the eighties. Argentina did not export and did not need to because all production was for domestic consumption. Production of 3600 liters, three thousand consumed the domestic market. After the Falklands War was shattered economy and our wine consumption fell from one hundred liters per capita a little over thirty. I went to work in the trade sector and had an ant task because the base wine was flawed. It produced a lot but of poor quality. In partnership with some wineries began to leave the world, to participate in fairs, invite journalists from England, America, Germany associated with the tango Argentina communicate first, and later landscapes. Along with the vineyards began to improve and our production techniques, with great laboratory work, professionalism and production.
That creates "Wines of Argentina?
In 92 started working the concept of image as a wine industry trade activity that brings together wineries from around the country (today 200). The first thing we did was look for an identity, and then look at the malbec. This year we have six warehouses to the markets of Amsterdam and Berlin and was an important turning point.
addition, there was a stream of immigrant investors who bought land, developed new areas, invested in wineries and vineyards. Between 1990 and 2007 have continued to come entrepreneurs, Patagonia is very young, the oldest farm has seven new crops. These entrepreneurs controlled overproduction of grapes intended for table wine. In a painful decision, but bold and necessary were pulled ten thousand hectares of grapes planted high-yield but low quality. The crisis became a crisis of opportunity: two billion of foreign and domestic investment, a European concept of land ownership and the organization of production. It was difficult but we managed.
How do you see the future?
still working to make ourselves known, on the basis that the soul of the Argentine malbec. Also handle the test of versatility because our wines can accompany a fusion cuisine of the place when we arrived. Every three years we review the goals to see if we have to consolidate or redefine. We plan each year, do seminars and training events producer, seller and consumer marketing organize seminars for vendors to know the behavior of the market and are aware of what is requested by new customers from Asia, Australia or Canada .
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