A veritable army of professionals linked to the world of gastronomy worked pro bono since September last year to make the food fair Mistura become the largest in the continent, under the unchallenged leadership of Gaston Acurio that has managed to convey the passion for this work and unwavering search for excellence. Here we are: Traditions Group
, rustic kitchens, trucks,
Rocío Heredia (responsible). Team: Hajime Kasuga, James Berckemeyer, Gonzalo Ferrand, Daniel Sologuren. His first task was to select routes cooks, know its history, how the community recognizes, what is your signature dish and how they are positioned in their area. Course, visited selected sites incognito, to converse with the cooks and assess whether they have good spirit and willingness to work together.
Market Group: Mitsuharu
Tsumura (responsible). Team: Victor Torres, Marilu Madueño, Alvaro Raffo, Juan Pablo La Torre, Ephraim Gómez (Conveagro). The first thing they did was to evaluate the database producers who participated last year and increase it. Overcome the difficulties, for example, last year the participation of regional governments was low. This year it is they who have taken the initiative to lead the participation of their region. Raised more than fulfilled goals: to bring 300 varieties of potato; got MIL. Involving 12 regions, there are 14. Go ask people not only eat but to BUY. All producers are bringing products that are not in Lima (chillies, Amazonian fruits, tubers).
Group Conferences:
Ximena Larrea (responsible). Creating conditions for people involved in the Traditions area and have never spoken in public, have a voice in a master class where he will teach history and prepare your dish
Group Roundtables Mariano Valderrama (responsible). Choose topics related to the food within a development horizon of the next twenty years.
Chocolate Corner Group Astrid Gutsche (rsponsable). Team: Claudia Añorga. First time the chocolate has a presence in two areas Mistura. The first will be the producers in various areas, in the second, Lima chocolatiers making chocolates, and chocolate semi Fine. The stand is designed in such a way that shows the process of cocoa, from cultivation to processing.
Munaypan Andrés Ugaz Group (responsible). Team: Roger Arakaki, Hervé Galidie, Carmen Lopez. Took stock of 2009 to improve participation of bakers. Their goal was accomplished bakers bring 18 provinces, serving 90 000 people, half a million distributing free bread, produce 35 varieties of bread. SELL. Restaurants
José del Castillo (responsible). Team: Christian Bravo, Rafael Lopez Aliaga, Eduardo Lévano, Javier Morante, José Montes. Make room for new icons of gastronomy. 80% are restaurants participating for the first time. Repeat some classical sales volume last year the public demands its presence. Ordered six dishes and the committee chose three for each restaurant to be represented with the best, but avoid repetition. All the restaurants are formal, and if not, they are helped to participate in formalized BEFORE Mistura.
Creativity Group Hall of
Renato Peralta (responsible). Team: Brisa Deneumostier. Organize lectures that will give the guest chefs. Includes continuing care for every day of the fair or until the guest leaves the country. Diffusion Group
Maria Elena Cornejo (responsible). Team: Soledad Marroquín. Develop communications policy attachment, the message reaches everyone.
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