Friday, October 8, 2010

Can You Centrifuge Milk


The Honorable Noritoshi Kanai, president of Mutual Trading Company's powerful, has a life of romance.
Born in Tokyo in 1923 in the midst of a relatively wealthy family ya que sus padres era maestros de escuela primaria (en Japón es una profesión que da para vivir con tranquilidad). A los 20 años el Ejército Imperial lo reclutó para pelear en la Guerra del Pacífico y lo nombraron responsable del suministro de alimentos y productos básicos para las tropas en lugares remotos de la selva. Kanai se enfrentó a increíbles obstáculos (entre ellos, ser prisionero de guerra en Birmania durante un año) para cumplir su misión de la que dependía el sustento de miles de soldados. Ironías de la vida, fue en este período de dificultades donde Kanai obtuvo los conocimientos básicos en la producción de alimentos, logística y manejo de diferencias geográficas, climáticas and multicultural, who later became an international businessman and "Culinary Ambassador of Japan in America."
In 1951 along with his partners founded the company Tokyo Mutual Trading Co. to Japanese food export to the United States and in 1964 emigrated to Los Angeles to take over management of the company. Cultural and gastronomic shock was evident. East eat soy, Western barley there is fish dish every day, here is the preferred meat. Sake / wine, vegetables / chips, quality / quantity, raw / cooked. A new food culture began to develop in America, where Kanai enter the Japanese culinary arts and the concept of a diet healthy. It was the first to import the Edamame and Regional Sake Fino United States.

Driven by the fascination of its food, in 1966 put a small sushi bar in Little Tokyo, and through it the sushi fashion spread to the world. This bar was thought as the typical Japanese sushi-house, that favor the warm and personalized attention, with a sushi man for every five guests (in Japan is three, in the U.S. every seven). Eating raw fish was a challenge that led to success as true hosts of guests Norwegian, Jewish, English, Italians and Americans increasingly filled the room. Replicate the experience in New York and in the blink of an eye the world turned sushi-addict.
In 2008, he founded the Institute Kanai U.S. Sushi Katsuya Uechi together with an extraordinary itamae and leader in the industry. Today, this school is a place of learning and training for professional cooks, and that conveys the true Japanese culinary art form to future generations. In Japan, sushi man
learn the trade in ten years. "You have to know how to move constemente because food is not prepared to hand but the whole body," says Kanai with Oriental patience. "The rice is molded with fingers while watching the diner is. There you realize if the rice needs to be more compact and what texture should give to disarm in the mouth. Another prerequisite is a good memory. A client is never forgotten, nor the customer or to your taste "he adds. Noritoshi Kanai
visited Lima last few months as part of his Latin American tour. He came quietly and left quietly after trying countless souer pisco, ceviche and high class tiraditos in various parts of our city that made him really happy. Kanai
's career has been recognized with several awards, not only as a businessman but as a promoter of the arts, music, literature and sports. A real teacher.


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