Wednesday, October 7, 2009

C Section Pain Around Belly

end cap

INGREDIENTS: - 1 end cap of 1,200 grams. tenderloin or sirloin - 1 lemon - Salt and oil - 200 gr. beef broth

Potatoes soufflé: - 4 potatoes and oil - Fried vegetables - Potato + leek + zucchini + carrots. Everything in strips with salt & pepper. - was passed in flour and egg, making piles and fry in oil PREPARATION:
- Salpimentamos la carne y la rociamos
con el zumo de limón y un poco de aceite.

- Dejamos macerar durante unos 30 minutos.

- Antes de meterla en el horno
la pasamos por la sartén para que coja costra.

- No la debemos pinchar para evitar que se desangre.
- La asamos en el horno durante

unos 25 minutos a unos 200º.

- Le damos la vuelta a mitad de cocción,

para que se haga por los 2 lados.

- La retiramos del horno y la dejamos
stand for 15 minutes on a rack. - If the sauce was very liquid thick with a "beurre manier (roux). Potatoes soufflé: - The peel and cut into film thickness of a coin of 1 euro, about 4 mm - 1 fry them in a not too hot oil, shaking the pan in circles, technical type pil-pil and then, when they are transparent, the passed to another pan with hot oil so that soufflé. - We removed and salted. INTRODUCTION: - The end cap is the part that is in the hip area of \u200b\u200bthe carcass. - A roast beef flavored with lemon and accompanied by potato soufflé and spetzli (Swiss specialty). TECHNIQUE: end caps: - after maceration of the flesh with lemon juice - Roast in the oven at room safe. Continuously sprayed with juice. - Cut into boiling water until they float. Spetzli: - Masa flour + egg + oil + milk or water. - Forming threads passing through a sieve. - Boil on high heat to sear and soufflés. Potatoes soufflé: - Cut a 3-4 mm thick. - Double frying temperature first and second half to soften at high temperature to sear and soufflés. VARIATIONS: - Replace the end cap of sirloin or tenderloin, both pork and beef or beef ... Accompany vegetables, roasted, salad ... CONSERVATION: - The end cap is kept 1 week in the refrigerator uncut. - Potato soufflé can be stored in a refrigerator 2 days and at the time of consuming the 2 nd repeated frying. COMMENTS: - souffle potatoes to it must be old.


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