While making idle, I prepared the recipe to insert after the nest egg, but has been behind this. Still not mastered the computer world so you'll have read that comes before the nest egg that would have to be that now appear A thousand pardons and happy holidays
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Milena Velba In Airplane
First of all, tell you that I've been very busy with multiple things, work overwhelms me, I had an accident that kept me almost 3 weeks to rest and if it was not enough, a pinch of hernia. Me what else could happen? After all this, I see no desire and no time to write, I really wanted and the short time available when I was right, I dedicated myself to my children and family, which remain the centerpiece of my life, without which I feel lost and empty. But after a slump as there is always another good, now I return with love, my recipes, and share them with whoever you want. Tamibén this time we suggest the number of people who for various reasons, are ill or sick, or that are no longer with us. Now, after having spent a slump in every way, I realize once again how lucky we are able to continue writing and sharing hobbies. A tod @ s that I always have followed and those who still do not, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a 2010 filled with health and peace. What more could you want in a world as crazy as we are living? With all my heart forgive my unintentional neglect and enjoy your loved ones, are the greatest thing we have in this world. My husband and my children, who have helped me in these months, my gratitude and unconditional loyalty. To you my eternal gratitude for your understanding and affection. And more to give you the can, I put a tasty recipe, I hope you enjoy good health.
INGREDIENTS: - 4 bread rolls or Swiss - 4 egg yolks - 2 whites - 8 CHDA. tomato sauce - 2 slices of ham - a bit of milk - Bollito: - 500 grs. flour. - 20 grs. fresh yeast. - 50 grs. sugar. - 250 grs. warm milk. - 40 grs. butter - 2 eggs and salt. PREPARATION: - Cut a lid on the pan and drain it, leaving only the crust. - If bread to wet the interior walls with milk or Swiss Brioche if not needed. - Put in the bottom of the bagel with two tablespoons of tomato, chopped ham and then the yolk. - Season. - Beat the egg whites until stiff and cover a little muffin. - Bake until light brown. rolls: - Allow fermenting yeast with some milk and a tablespoon of flour to ferment. - With the rest do a volcano and threw the egg, sugar, melted butter and remaining milk, work with the horn. - Add the yeast started to ferment, as this has risen. - It forms a ball is given a cross cut and cover with a cloth. - Is left to ferment at room temperature or overnight in refrigerator. - She lies about 50 grams. in each pan, cover with a cloth before baking and let it ferment. - It is painted with egg. TECHNIQUE: - bread rolls stuffed with ham and egg whites topped with snow. - Emptying of a roll: Cut the lid with a knife to separate the crumb of the walls. Insert a knife an inch from the base for the crumbs off the walls without actually getting the bread and so the base does not break. - Technical SOUFFLE: egg whites until stiff with a pinch of salt to be retained more firm. VARIATIONS: - The rolls may be substituted for bread, brioche, scones Swiss. - Vol-au-vent, tarts, etc.. - The filling can be enriched with cream, melted cheese, bechamel, tomato sauce, foie gras mouselina, ham ... CONSERVATION: - immediate consumption.
Cystic Frobsis Short Term Needs
recovered almost completely, even though it costs me to restart my way, I intend to dedicate a Christmas dessert in my family is almost a must at this time. It is very difficult to develop and improve within 24 hours. I hope you enjoy him as much as I did. INGREDIENTS: - 1 tablet of chocolate fondant - 4 eggs - 100 gr. Sugar. - About 120 grams flour (could not add one) FILLING: - A chestnut cream jar of 250 grams. - 100 grs. whipped cream. PREPARATION: - Melt the chocolate in a double boiler or microwave (1 min-rest-1mn), add the yolks and beat. - Beat the egg whites until stiff with a pinch salt, and add the sugar when they are hard. Continue beating until shiny. - Mix egg whites with the chocolate, stirring motion, and pour it on a baking tray with silicone paper. Bake 15 minutes at 180 degrees preheated oven. - Remove from oven, pour onto a damp cloth and roll with the same cloth. Leave a little while. Mix all the filling carefully. - Dust with icing sugar. Cut off both ends of the diagonal trunk and put them on the sides of the trunk broken branches imitating an old log. - Decorate with meringue mushrooms, mistletoe ... - Take it very cold. Store in the refrigerator. INTRODUCTION: - A chocolate mousse baked in sheet form that is filled with whipped cream and rolled in a trunk. TECHNICAL :

- Mousse:
Melt chocolate with a little water and sugar (optional) depending on the type of chocolate. Add the egg yolks and stop tuning. - Place the egg whites until stiff peaks form when the chocolate is warm, and that failure would fall. - Cake: Pour the mousse on a baking tray. Bake at 180 º - Cut edges of the cake, which will be more cooked and therefore harder. Prevent it does not form a crack along the cake. - It is easier to roll up the cake using a rag. - The cake must be cold before filling it with whipped cream. VARIATIONS: Filling: cream, truffle custard, jam, chestnut cream, etc ... CONSERVATION: - 1 day in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic. Pets freezing.Monday, October 26, 2009
Catchy Slogan For Meal Box Banner
- 400 gr. frozen hake - 2 slices of bread crumbs - 1 cup cream - 1 clove garlic - 1 teaspoon chopped parsley - For batter: 1 egg and flour - oil and salt
- 6 tablespoons oil - 1 medium onion - 150 gr. white wine - 2 tablespoons of flour - 500 gr. fish stock - 1 bay leaf (optional) 1 clove garlic PREPARATION: - remains are commonly used fish cooked,
them if not then do the following:
- Coat the fish in flour and egg.
- Fry.
- Crumble. - Place the soaked bread crumbs with the cream. - Mix the hake with the bread crumbs, garlic, parsley and salt.
- Join well and shape into balls and meatballs.
- Heat oil in a skillet, turn the meatballs
flour and frying. - In another pan, put oil in the sauce to heat, and fry in it the chopped onion and garlic.
- Let it brown a little and add the flour.
- Add wine, fish stock and bay leaf. - Cook for 10 minutes.
- Place the meatballs in the sauce to warm.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Active Office 2007 By Telephone
First - Poach eggs as follows: NOTE:

apologize for not having
hand photo of the recipe and
I can not get
repeat until the dish,
therefore, put an egg general
and regret not having prepared.
- LA CLARA clot at 60-70 º.
GLOBULIZA TO BE WHIPPED SE. - THE YOLK or vellum, ARE fat, protein,
% DEPENDING ON THE RED carotene. - Two eggs provide
140 calories and is equivalent to 350 g
MILK OR 50 GRS. MEAT. - CONTENT OF THE EGG: - It also contains 12.5% \u200b\u200balbumin,
12.5% \u200b\u200bfat and 74% water.
THEORY, go to
Poached Egg GRAND DUKE INGREDIENTS: For 6 people: - 12 very fresh eggs - the equivalent of ½ lt. Mornay sauce milk - 12 steamed asparagus - 12 round pieces of fried bread croutons - 12 sheets of truffles - 25 grs. shredded cheese (preferably mixture of chester and gruyere)
in boiling water with some vinegar
(5% approximately) are thrown eggs,
one to one separately until 6,
doing as quickly as possible;
when it resumes a boil cover the pan
and leaving it off the heat for three minutes;
item is checked,
taking an egg with
skimmer, and tightening the
fingertip, if that is clear is
sufficient hardness to manipulate him,
and the yolk still soft, is out of the water
and get into a tub prepared
with cool water, when
are cold are I removed the fringes
and left dripping on cloth.
operation is repeated for the remaining 6. - Asparagus cut into 2 halves,
and part of the top reserves;
with the other half, that is, stem,
is cut into 2 or 3 pieces each, and they
mix them 2 or 3 tablespoons of sauce Mornay.
This mixture is spread on croutons 12
of bread and put them at source.
- Each egg was placed on top of a
crusts and leave the font in a warm place
after each egg put a little salt.
- When you serve the dish,
get to warm the eggs,
is finally
sauce and au gratin after sprinkling with cheese.
- Around
eggs are put in a crown, means
and in the center of each egg,
foil truffles, candied
with melted butter or liquid.
- The asparagus can be
placed at the source before
gratin eggs.
gratin can be heated and
at a time if the oven is sufficiently strong.
The Mornay is done by adding the ½ lt.
hot Bechamel 2 yolks
egg and then 50 grams. cheese,
gently mixed.
hot bath is maintained
Mary not boil water,
and with a little butter
dissolved by the surface.
They should take six
cracked eggs in small
containers, tub, cup, glass, etc.
- egg dishes, lunch,
mainly banquets.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
C Section Pain Around Belly
end cap
- Salpimentamos la carne y la rociamos
con el zumo de limón y un poco de aceite.
- Dejamos macerar durante unos 30 minutos.
- Antes de meterla en el horno
la pasamos por la sartén para que coja costra.
- No la debemos pinchar para evitar que se desangre.
- La asamos en el horno durante
unos 25 minutos a unos 200º.
- Le damos la vuelta a mitad de cocción,
para que se haga por los 2 lados.
- La retiramos del horno y la dejamos stand for 15 minutes on a rack. - If the sauce was very liquid thick with a "beurre manier (roux). Potatoes soufflé: - The peel and cut into film thickness of a coin of 1 euro, about 4 mm - 1 fry them in a not too hot oil, shaking the pan in circles, technical type pil-pil and then, when they are transparent, the passed to another pan with hot oil so that soufflé. - We removed and salted. INTRODUCTION: - The end cap is the part that is in the hip area of \u200b\u200bthe carcass. - A roast beef flavored with lemon and accompanied by potato soufflé and spetzli (Swiss specialty). TECHNIQUE: end caps: - after maceration of the flesh with lemon juice - Roast in the oven at room safe. Continuously sprayed with juice. - Cut into boiling water until they float. Spetzli: - Masa flour + egg + oil + milk or water. - Forming threads passing through a sieve. - Boil on high heat to sear and soufflés. Potatoes soufflé: - Cut a 3-4 mm thick. - Double frying temperature first and second half to soften at high temperature to sear and soufflés. VARIATIONS: - Replace the end cap of sirloin or tenderloin, both pork and beef or beef ... Accompany vegetables, roasted, salad ... CONSERVATION: - The end cap is kept 1 week in the refrigerator uncut. - Potato soufflé can be stored in a refrigerator 2 days and at the time of consuming the 2 nd repeated frying. COMMENTS: - souffle potatoes to it must be old.

INGREDIENTS: - 1 end cap of 1,200 grams. tenderloin or sirloin - 1 lemon - Salt and oil - 200 gr. beef broth
Potatoes soufflé: - 4 potatoes and oil - Fried vegetables - Potato + leek + zucchini + carrots. Everything in strips with salt & pepper. - was passed in flour and egg, making piles and fry in oil PREPARATION:
- Salpimentamos la carne y la rociamos
con el zumo de limón y un poco de aceite.
- Dejamos macerar durante unos 30 minutos.
- Antes de meterla en el horno
la pasamos por la sartén para que coja costra.
- No la debemos pinchar para evitar que se desangre.
- La asamos en el horno durante
unos 25 minutos a unos 200º.
- Le damos la vuelta a mitad de cocción,
para que se haga por los 2 lados.
- La retiramos del horno y la dejamos stand for 15 minutes on a rack. - If the sauce was very liquid thick with a "beurre manier (roux). Potatoes soufflé: - The peel and cut into film thickness of a coin of 1 euro, about 4 mm - 1 fry them in a not too hot oil, shaking the pan in circles, technical type pil-pil and then, when they are transparent, the passed to another pan with hot oil so that soufflé. - We removed and salted. INTRODUCTION: - The end cap is the part that is in the hip area of \u200b\u200bthe carcass. - A roast beef flavored with lemon and accompanied by potato soufflé and spetzli (Swiss specialty). TECHNIQUE: end caps: - after maceration of the flesh with lemon juice - Roast in the oven at room safe. Continuously sprayed with juice. - Cut into boiling water until they float. Spetzli: - Masa flour + egg + oil + milk or water. - Forming threads passing through a sieve. - Boil on high heat to sear and soufflés. Potatoes soufflé: - Cut a 3-4 mm thick. - Double frying temperature first and second half to soften at high temperature to sear and soufflés. VARIATIONS: - Replace the end cap of sirloin or tenderloin, both pork and beef or beef ... Accompany vegetables, roasted, salad ... CONSERVATION: - The end cap is kept 1 week in the refrigerator uncut. - Potato soufflé can be stored in a refrigerator 2 days and at the time of consuming the 2 nd repeated frying. COMMENTS: - souffle potatoes to it must be old.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Ebooks Telephone Epbx

has almost come the fall or at least getting closer little by little, and of course, after the excesses of the summer the most and the least subject to a "diet " maintenance, to avoid the hated "love."
Well, you better take a Japanese dish, low in calories, rich, easy to make and high in nutrients?
therefore begin by talking about the sushi.
is very nutritious, original and my particular love me.
supports many fillers, but the smoked salmon and cucumber sticks, is simple and tasty.
I encourage you to try it and can not give you further explain how.
200 grs. Short grain rice
- rice vinegar. a cup
- Some sugar. tablespoon
- Smoked salmon, an envelope.
- Salmon roe a boat,
- Alga Nori, a package.
- A bamboo rolling mat.
We wash the rice in several waters. The drain.
Boil the rice over high heat for the first 3 minutes and then another 5 minutes over medium low heat and finish.
We had a source or a bowl and let cool.
be adding "sushi-zu" in the following proportion:
For every kilo of rice will use about 150 ml. Sushi-zu.
If we add a sushi-zu mix made with:
5 tablespoons sugar + 5 tablespoons rice vinegar + 2 'or 3 teaspoons of salt.
Heat 1 º vinegar,
we add the sugar to dissolve
and salt.
I let it cool rapidly and
rice add it earlier.
Mix the rice with the liquid and let cool completely.
extend a nori seaweed on bamboo mat and fill with rice.
try not to cover the top of the algae and then to seal well.
put in the center strips of smoked salmon and fresh cucumber sticks
and rolled with the help of the mat.
We dip the end of the alga with water and seal.
funky like a jelly roll.
We should be a cylindrical roll.
let cool and cut into pieces with a knife
to get wet in a mixture of water, vinegar and lemon juice.
In the center of each put some salmon roe.
Leaving reduce some soy and pour a little above the sushi.
cold is taken.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Is Quadryderm Nf Good For Hemorroids
MUSHROOM FLAN WITH CHEESE: - Skip 100 grs. mushrooms in butter.
- Add about 100 grams of sugar.
- Mix and set aside.
- Beat 4 eggs + 100 grs. fresh cheese and incorporate the above.
- Fill molds and bake caramel before 180 º 15 '
- Cool and unmold.
can be taken warm or cold.
not supported freezing.
Add chopped fruit or blue cheese .
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Best Makeup Brush Kit
Restaurant Proudly presents the musical helm of San Juan del Sur in Concert
The singer / songwriter William Calderon begins his tour Retro and artistic. terroir nothing better than to do it!.
This Saturday September 26, beginning at 7 PM William, will be setting the famous restaurant El Timon, renowned for the quality of its services and specialized cuisine with seafood dishes prepared with the freshest of artisanal fisheries of the port located most beautiful beach in the Nicaraguan Pacific. Admission is free
This will be an evening of musical extravagance Nicaragua, as well as the talented William, the event will be held with the performance the musicians: Augusto Mejia, Cesar Rodriguez, Edgar Aguilar, Fabio Buitrago and Omar Suazo. Definitely
San Juan del Sur is more than just surf, San Juan del Sur is passion, art, beauty and emotion. Do not forget that in the Bay of sunsets and adventures are waiting for you!.
For reservations call 2568-2243, 88086714
E mail:

The singer / songwriter William Calderon begins his tour Retro and artistic. terroir nothing better than to do it!.
This Saturday September 26, beginning at 7 PM William, will be setting the famous restaurant El Timon, renowned for the quality of its services and specialized cuisine with seafood dishes prepared with the freshest of artisanal fisheries of the port located most beautiful beach in the Nicaraguan Pacific. Admission is free
This will be an evening of musical extravagance Nicaragua, as well as the talented William, the event will be held with the performance the musicians: Augusto Mejia, Cesar Rodriguez, Edgar Aguilar, Fabio Buitrago and Omar Suazo. Definitely
San Juan del Sur is more than just surf, San Juan del Sur is passion, art, beauty and emotion. Do not forget that in the Bay of sunsets and adventures are waiting for you!.
For reservations call 2568-2243, 88086714
E mail:
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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