Thursday, April 28, 2011

Period Like Pains 5dpo


The first sounded the alarm was none other than Albert Einstein scholar. He said: "If the bee disappeared off the planet, the man would have only 4 years of life." A few months ago, the London newspaper The Independent issued a frightening report on the mass death of bees along the East Coast of the United States resulted in the blog article elserdecristal.
It says that American beekeepers are facing commercial ruin for the mass death of bees, which in some cases reach 90% of its stock. Scientists who study the 'abejicidio' say they have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe cause which originates but blame climate change.
would not be rare that the blame off of GM crops and the multinationals that support them. We know that the "capital" anything goes provided it is business. That I know well Mosanto there and those here. Minister Benavides knows, his assistant agriculture minister and a pair of big business who see you before you see the common good.
Without pollination there are no plants or animals (and perhaps not men). And with GM not only our farmers are mortgage for life to the crime (the seeds can not reproduce and if by the action of wind or, say, bees, flying seed and fertilize other Instead, the private company that patented the mother seed use will continue to grow forever and ever), but we would be destroying the intrinsic richness of our country which is given by a biodiversity that allows different organic crops and traded around the world . Our geography is not flat but steep, coexist here almost a hundred of microclimates (84 out of 114 that exist in the world). That is our strength and our potential. What he has done
Decree 003-2011, published between cocks and midnight, as usual in the APRA government, to condemn to death a special gene bank of medicinal plants, natural fruits, forest reserves and crops native. The warmth of the minister
Brack (known to repel with energy this nonsense), the militant opposition of the nearly forty thousand organic farmers in addition to institutions such as Apega and twelve regions have declared themselves GM-free should stop this action. Bees also grateful.


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