Sunday, February 27, 2011

Build A Carving Bench


This week has been extraordinary. Different.

never imagined I had so much support, almost 220 blog entries, 35 post, which started in the previous post and 40 e-mail from individuals in the blog.
to go out for coffee this week with a blogger from Vigo, called me y. .. much detail!

In a world where there is little fellowship where everyone goes about their business, I've found with the help of many people who do not know me are turning to help me.

Just know my name, most or you are not friends, just know the blog and sometimes not even that, but still ... you are still the best people I've met.
Saving close friends we all have, many of you, without knowing anything about me or at least very little, you are there, giving me encouragement, directions, web pages AMAZING ...!!! !

I experienced a feeling of immense gratitude, not how to define it: I felt sad, tired, nostalgic and at the same time I started to feel cheerful and lively. A truly explosive cocktail of feelings.

As the days passed, I found better your tickets did that miracle!

thank you is enough, my gratitude to all who are helping me be infinite, but I hope days of medical consultations, to send copies of reports, visiting specialists, talk to one and all, .... I think it only sold out!

But unfortunately I have not found anyone with a case like mine, the few contacts I've had, tell me again:

"is that no cases like yours "

" is that so many years with a pacemaker (19) and now a rare rejection ... "

"If you are already operated 3 times to move, and were changed and cables ... "(actually, in all, I had 6 heart surgeries).

" Sure, we know how everything is inside ... "

still will not give up me, is a promise I made to myself, I will pull ahead, as I always have and that ultimately will just a bump more.

BUT LOOKING FORWARD, SENDING DATA FOLLOW THE TOWEL .... do not throw nor do you. I still need OS.

Today I would like to mention to my first memory, at least I think it's my first memory.

With just 3 years, Nieves, called me from the garden, one day in spring. She was there with a newborn chick who was dying. Golden yellow, chubby and very small. It was the most beautiful thing I remember.
His mother rejected him. Why? I will never know.
her, grasping her hands, large and spent so much work, I requested the blanket from the cradle of my wrist. I gave it thrilled and happy, removable so of my precious toy, "the doll quilt."

With it wrapped the chicken, covering it well and I had my hands until she began to move and revive.
time do not know what happened, do not remember, but if my hand up Nieves the small and helpless chick back to life, with my help and Nevis.

I think it's my first memory: Just 3 years, a sunny day, a farm with trees full of flowers, a sick chicken, Nieves always beside me, and ... the chick that comes to life.

Perhaps what is happening to me these days, I remembered that memory and that although it has nothing to do with the kitchen, if all that I have felt this week.

as I could go from feeling alone and lost to meet together and with help and answers.

A tod @ s you I dedicate it to your disinterested help in your time.


Many thanks. I can not tell anything else.


cream potatoes and fresh chives:

Nieves I prepared it, when she was sick or something pachucha.


30 grams of finely chopped chives

Potatoes are cooked in salted water, drain and pass through the food mill,
stir well, until we run A CREAM, HALF AND HALF CREAM MASHED.
Add the fried onions and leeks and chives.

IS SIMPLE FOR BEGINNERS, NORMAL, rich and full of flavor.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Long Should An Artificial


Daniel Chavez, executive chef Santi

Singapore city-state is absolutely stunning. With only fifty years of existence, exhibits a rapid economic development, a runaway shopping market, cutting-edge skyscrapers erected in the middle of vegetation nurtured, and a very clean streets for the repression who immediately pull a paper or gum. Some buildings are indescribable opulence, as the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, built at a cost of five billion euros. This resort has three towers topped by a huge infinity pool, which also has shopping centers, casinos, shops, galleries, exhibitions, restaurants, theaters and a pair of floating pavilions in which there is a museum of modern art in the form lotus and even a soccer field.
In this wonderful place, the world's most famous chefs have a space. There is Tetsuya Wakuda (the top of Australia) in Waku Ghina, the huge Mario Batali with Osteria Mozza, Wolfgang Puck of Los Angeles Daniel Boulud of New York, Guy Savoy of Paris and of course, with Santi Santi Santamaría.
The Santi is on top of a huge casino has 1500 slot machines and 500 gaming tables. Local is a sober, minimalist line, which displays at the entrance to the tapas tasting menu $ 350 per person Singaporeans.
A compatriot, Daniel Chavez, is the executive chef. Just graduated from the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Valencia, the cook came to Lima to work alongside Santi Santamaria El Raco de Can Fabes. He passed all sections of the restaurant, before being promoted to chief of the section linings and finally section meats. Then he went to Ossianic by Santi Santamaria in Dubai, as head chef of this restaurant will soon be ranked among the top 50 in the world. In April last year became executive chef Santi brand new soon to be located in place of privilege and stopover site for all the gourmets of the world, thanks to the overwhelming personality of Santi, modern Catalan cuisine and his obsessive nature respect for the products.
Santi's departure is a severe blow to world cuisine and for the eight restaurants that holds throughout the world. His team, however, led by Regina and Pau children go ahead with the culinary delights of his father.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scorpio Man Once Loves You


commented that few days ago for health reasons, had almost abandoned the blog.
In fact, between 2009 and 2010, just write anything.
medical problems and that prevented me going.
was born with heart disease: Breast Disease, that I was not discovered until about 19 years, (my heart stopped), along with other problems in the functioning of the left ventricle.
After medical examinations, tests admitted to hospital and 20 days in ICU, I get a "pacemaker."
After the first moments, bad, hard to bear, and overcome the first 2-3 years of adaptation to living with a pacemaker, (my life changed a lot), more or less everything returns to normal, as we understand this.
Nevertheless, I am optimistic by nature, strong constitution, hard working and great willpower. So, to continue with my work 16 hours a day and my life.
still had a third child after all this, against the advice of doctors, who saw in it a high risk. But everything went fine, and born Carlos, my 13 year old son.

to 7 years or so, with my ups and downs, everything went well. But 7 years ago I faced the first operation would be 6 hours and a half, where I was about to lose his life. I was under local anesthesia, I heard everything and was the worst I have experienced. I never forgot.

I could sleep, if my heart would stop in the operation and was aware they needed to help revive, so I had anesthesia crazy: hell.
never understood it, but that the surgeon told me, which I do not want to remember, was a person devoid of tact and sensitivity, treating patients in an undignified and horrible, is just as I tell you.
5 years later, things get complicated. My body, after so many years, began to show signs of rejection of the pacemaker, "Decubitus" callers.
I send the same specialist from Madrid, who raised me a solution about life and death. 50% tells me!, In my mind everything is repeated from years before ...
After visiting many more doctors and opinions I operate again in July 2009. Another doctor this time.

But bad luck makes a silly accident me back into operation in October of that year, thank God it was not the heart. but if another anesthetic and other income.

These Christmas of 2009, the symptoms of rejection pacemaker reappear.
worse, I infects the pacemaker area, fill me with antibiotics and returned to operation in May 2010.

I say it's the latter, which has been so good, but the cables are bad, really bad, tangled and fibrous, so to speak, do not dare to touch them and leave them as they were.
So far so good, but now back again.

are beginning to repeat the symptoms and discomfort. Back pain ... specialists and consultants again:

No registered cases like yours! says one.

do not quite know what to do! Comment on others.

The problem is the pacemaker wires! The has fiber and can not be removed without damaging ...

tell you that in the terrible Madrid operation, changing cables (each pacemaker leads 2), one had to leave in the heart, since they could not remove it without tearing this. So I have 3.

Let me further 2 more cables cut? and another pacemaker put anywhere else? Does having 5 cables in the heart? Rid " the pacemaker?, another doctor tells me .. but .. if my heart is not beating, how will you remove me? I ask in my ignorance.
Do not know what to do with the cables?
That would be a last chance for a heart transplant? ...

What do you ask?

need directions medical articles talk about rejections pacemaker, specialists on the subject: "electrophysiologist (pacemaker specialists), blogs talk heart problems, books, plants and home remedies against infections and inflammations ...
I am willing to learn and study what it takes for my problem, but I do not ever want to operate with a future so uncertain, doubtful and dangerous.
I turn to you, you will have friends, books, known ... anything worth me, help me to read, get in touch with people to know if anyone else with my same problem, (I say no).
I will overcome, I am strong and determined. I am optimistic and brave.
But I keep reading and reading, questions and spoke with doctors and I find no reliable answers, do not know what to do and I feel like a lab rat.

Today I talk about my kitchen, but if my feelings, my fears and I go to the blog if the blog, waiting for answers, tips, web directions, articles, books, doctors ... all I am worth at this time.

always better times will come and as always remato my comments:
Thank a tod @ s who somehow become a part of this,

PS: put another email in case someone wants to connect to the:

Blood In Stool Dog After Birth


Santi Santamaria was a great among the greats. Catalan to the core, was one of the first to look at the traditional cuisine of the gourmet eyes and search for materials in their environment to develop a cosmopolitan cuisine, with history, personality and taste of their ancestors. Was excessive at all. Over a hundred kilos, frenetic activity that included writing books, feed your blog to recreate dishes and travel the world, he finally passed the bill with 53 years of age. Those who knew him praised his people skills, insatiable curiosity, boundless charisma, and honesty culinary bulletproof. His position against the use of chemicals in the kitchen, faced the English avant-garde led by Ferran Adria, a topic that no way diminishes the contribution that both have new cuisines. Santi was the first English man to get a Michelin star in 1988 for his legendary restaurant El Raco de Can Fabes, then would add seven in his personal sky.
The last recipe that got in his blog on 4 February was the "nose and ear hake pork" dish, variants or so, I was fortunate try Santi in Singapore last November. Santi died in his law, like eating, talking with friends and enjoying good food. A great cook, a great person.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Otome Valkyria Stream


were other times, no computers, no phones, video games and certainly not just the 1 and 2 with dots y. .. black and white.
Full of imagination, wanting to kill time, we had useful tools to achieve our objective: the pita, the hideout, cops and robbers, cards, games, meeting jeyper "?, climbs trees, dolls, bikes y. .. what is forbidden.
prohibited As was our favorite pastime: Crossing the basin of the clothes without falling into the water.

the back of the farm, there was a remote area, covered by a roof of pine wood, which was formed by 3 piles of water.
One small, which came clean, fresh water from a spring and out through the mouth of a lion carved in stone.
The truth is that I always was a little afraid
was so big and real!

This pylon, passing the water, to a second pylon called "rinse." With almost 2 meters wide, and 6 long, it was twin, 3, called "the dirty water." Both are separated by a thin wall of cement, about 10 cm wide.

do you already know what we did?. Yes.

Although we had strictly forbidden, one by one, all cousins \u200b\u200band brothers, went down the middle of the 2 pylons, trying to keep the balance not to fall over the water, but ... we had almost always falling and AL DIRTY WATER!
Dead cold, moisture permeating the bones and waiting for a good fight and the appropriate punishment, we returned to the family home, where after the first cries of quarrel, Nevis, the housekeeper, but my dear and incomparable Belles, and he called me, offered us a plate with the sweet.

Prepared by itself, from early morning, with great care, patience and motherly love.

would put the heat of the iron stove and coal, 3 liters of cow milk straight from the cow by farm laborers, managers of the barn that was located at the bottom, well away from home.

The milk was heated slowly with the same weight in sugar.
While stirred, the milk purchase was cooking until brown color and creamy texture, somewhat dense. The little perfumed with vanilla, raw and after nearly 6 hours, I finished something really exquisite.

amazing thing was that this dessert was the feeling of being fresh when we returned from this prank.

That cold that we had inside us and that moisture had seeped, disappeared slowly after taking the first spoonful of the sweet.
was just the sugar and milk fat own home, making us the wetting recuperásemos ever.
After a pledge not to repeat it and, at least I never met, came a hot bath and a new move.
God knows how many times that I'll be down there, but were so as not to have forgotten.

I remember that cold in my body, the moisture in my bones and my feet frozen. But that sweet Nieves, my irreplaceable Belles, who was always there for me, who until 92 years stood at my side, who gave birth to my 2 older children, and to whom I owe almost everything I am.
To her, one of the people I loved most in my life, I dedicate this post today.


3 liters of whole milk or preferably homemade
its weight in sugar
a vanilla pod

Mix everything and put the fire under, and go stirring frequently until a few hours, start to take a dark tan or creamy texture.
may be consumed cold, hot or warm.
bar in camera or hold at least a week.
can be taken on toast, snack alternative.

Internet photo taken

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Receding Gum Electric Toothbrush


The holidays were an incredible time in my family.

Each year, we met the cousins, uncles ... reaching nearly 40 or more on many occasions. The truth is that the house where I grew up was vastly larger.
But when that time came up came to seem small, yet they were the best days of the year.

The house was filled with people, friends, family, afternoon tea with a good cake, maybe a port in the evening, items dominoes and card ... talks and jokes, of hours in the heat of the fireplace and music evenings.

The nights seemed to run out, after dinner we stayed playing with my uncles and cousins \u200b\u200buntil my grandmother was a curfew and sent us to bed.

With little desire to sleep and be more willing to stay drinking that glass of anisette small ... we went to bed without complaining.

Eve dinners, New Year and Epiphany, were special.

is often accompanied by fine wines, champagnes and French Burgundies, turkey stuffed with dried fruit with Cumberland sauce accompaniment.
A applesauce, if necessary, the sweet almond cream-pudding and the English plan was put dessert and was served on round tray with a splash of brandy and a Mistletoe leaf top that was carried to the table on fire and with the lights off ...

! What show

I think I have rarely seen anything like it and is one of the traditions that keep Christmas and I repeat every year my home and family.

Rematábamos with typical Christmas cakes, almonds, pine nuts and some polvorones homemade flavor lemon were a delight to the palate.

! My polvorones!

It was in Twelfth Night and at the age of 7 years when the express order of the largest sent us to bed, following shortly after completing dinner. They hurry!

should be told in my family, Twelfth Night was special:

My uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bwere dressed in sheets and pans that were placed on the head and torch in hand began to march through the bottom of the garden. (He was big and had a great distance, so we could not see clearly)

First the phone rang: 211 853 (no longer exists, but that was the number) , was one of my uncles calling from a bar in the street, near the farm, posing as a neighbor, reported that we had just seen the Kings entering the farm.

then told us the largest, with signs of surprise and amazement! and took us upstairs to the gallery, large and huge, with a huge window, where we relied children scared to death, nervous, excited ... waiting to see the arrival of the Magi.

After a few minutes, my uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bappeared at the bottom of the farm, with its flaming torches and sheets tied around his neck.
Iban jumping as if they were riding camels and I remember clearly seeing the King Melchior with a layer of Ermine, in dark blue and white collar, decorated with precious stones, was accompanied by pages and camels laden with gifts ...
What makes a child's imagination ... even today, I'd swear I'd seen him really.

After this unforgettable experience, we put to bed or at least trying, sometimes it was almost impossible (our excitement was indescribable.)

But as fate would have that night with these 7 years, I could sleep and after spending some time and to hear noise, I looked out the top floor where we slept (It was a skylight, which was visible from the living room below), incredulous at what he saw the stairs went down a bit and sitting in one of the rungs of the same, I saw my uncles, cousins, grandparents .... They ate everything we had left for the Kings, as was the presents and ate the special polvorones Kings! my polvorones!. I froze, had discovered the truth!
But I did nothing, did not speak or cry, simply turned around and got into bed, knowing that it had completed a stage in my life. Realizing that began to be more adult and less girl.

The next day, I told my mother, who is scared, he told me not to tell anyone and that Reyes finished the night with the memory of Polvorones of the Magi, in the mouths of my family.

Even today I keep the tradition of preparing them for those dates and as my children are past 13 years, we eat with a good glass of Vintage.



- 125 grs. lard
- 500 grs. roasted flour
- 75 grs. icing sugar
- 1 CHDA. cinnamon
- lemon zest and juice of this


We toast flour moving in a pan to avoid burning.
- Melt the butter and incorporate it as the rest of the ingredients.
- Stir well.
- Fill ramekins with the shape of polvorón glass adorning them with sugar.
- Cut wrapping silk sachets.
- mantecados If we do, replace the cinnamon and ground almonds, baking them for a moment.

Internet Photo taken

Friday, February 11, 2011

Marriage Cards Matter In Hindi

'm Amazed the warm reception I have had, I never thought that he might become interesting my opinions.

And thank you the first thing that comes to mind.

Who would be interested in my memories and their relationship with food?

My husband and my children: unconditional mother, encouraged me to follow step by step, without strain, slowly, like a fine wine saboreásemos, calmly, without haste thinking and maturing every sip we take.

I turn to ask, you really will be interesting to someone's memories of a life and its relationship with Food?

Maybe so, but for now I stand in a position of some uncertainty.

were days of waiting, open the blog with some fear.
Do you have read? I asked on several occasions. Will there be more tickets today? ask me again after a few hours ...
And meanwhile, recalled moments of my childhood that we will gradually discover.
Well, these days, in which I devote myself to think about my life perhaps more than it should, it is true that I agree with more intensity than ever from my childhood.

was born in Vigo, you'd think like everyone else, but it was not so.
As fate would place me in a family where cooking was crucial and the center of family gatherings.
As fate, nourishing me from succulent delicacies, exquisite, unforgettable.

Under the tutelage of my grandmother Elena Salgado and Nevis (my second mother), I was moving through a world of food, celebrations, dinners, cocktails, snacks ... a magical and privileged.

A childhood that would mark the rest of my life: food.

These aromas, textures, emulsions, soufflés ... part of my daily life, were part of my environment, my childhood. Were recorded in the most intimate to me.

In a world that is impossible to live today, I grew up. In a forgotten and obsolete, I formed my character, my true ego, I just walked slowly shaping up to be who I am today.

not always been easy times, I have been very tough stage, difficult, a very austere and even great hardship, but that helped me to mature, to be stronger.

could say that, really, in my life there were 4 stages:

1 - my childhood
2 - my teen
3 - my time at university and economic empowerment
4 - my family, my husband and my 3 children: Alejandra, Javier and Carlos.

all stages, have had their good side and its The downside, as we all happened, but all of them, my childhood was really great, I even dare say "unique."

And here we have one of these days a lot of memories come to mind.

The soufflé Vista-Alegre.

is a dessert that was at my great-grandmother with great love and care. Delicate, perfumed with a good cognac, and gives result in something almost ethereal. Lowers in seconds, is almost air in the mouth, but leaves a deep flavor, long length that lingers for several minutes.

Their preparation is not difficult, rather easy and I always remember the meals in Vista-Alegre (This is called the land of my great-grandmother and then the name of the soufflé) that almost always ended with a delicious sweet. Today with the soufflé.



- 12 eggs of good size and very fresh.
- 12 tablespoons sugar of fine grain.
- 1 dash of good brandy. The equivalent of 2-3 large tablespoons.


- ; Beat egg yolks with sugar until they whiten and bend volume.
- Add the brandy and mix well.
- Add the egg whites until soft peaks form. In 3 batches.
- dump it into a bowl, brush with butter and place in oven at 180 degrees (preheated).
- Remove when golden on top. Depending on the size of the mold will vary the time of the oven. But when you have uploaded the entire surface is golden and will be.
- Serve immediately
- Note : You can sprinkle with some sugar before baking.

The photo I downloaded from the internet, therefore it is not mine.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Make Genital Herpes Go Away Fast



After months of inactivity, i ome a new approach to blog, where you try to talk about recipes, they have to I see something that has occurred, whether or No travel, a dream, a memory, a job ...

took more than a year without writing. For two reasons: on the pro medical problems and to seek a mental break blogger activity.

addition after 3 major surgeries, I was not in the mood to get into the blog, so I put everything aside, but despite still not quite right (it seems I have another operation more) I have ventured back to revive this fascinating activity, continuing the blog, but giving a new focus, among other things, no longer anonymous.

problems of the past and resolved , have encouraged me to take this step also.

So at this point, I introduce myself: I am Elena Zulueta De Madariaga, the Director of the School of Hotel vigo: White Flour, which took almost 17 years as thereof. I studied 5 years of Business, I have a Masters in Management and Business Administration and ended up doing FP kitchen, which is what I really liked and I liked it. I am also a member of Eurotoques, chef de cuisine, m Adre 3 children, happily married (at least until current date), owner of a beautiful dog bobtail and lover of peace, plants and gardening, oil painting and books.

The truth is that many blogs in recipes, until I have one, but look for that alone, I want to do something different, I talk about my experiences related to

kitchen, my travels and dishes more connected you to them, in my childhood, really special and amazing memories and adorning plates. Of the wines that accompanied these menus and served as the table ...

In short, I write about something that evokes a recipe, not a recipe propiam entity that, rather a story where

protagonist is an experience and the result a prescription.

Would you like the idea?

probably not very attractive at first and it is possible that nobody reads, but still continue with the project, I feel like it and it relaxes me.

I forget and decide to be serious as I am, whether some may not like the idea.

do not mean to criticize or judge anyone, not for me to do, then never speak ill of any restaurant or any employee. It can be very harmful, even unwittingly, and it also I have learned.

But back to the start of the topic, I will comment as I did many other things to take this step: Viewing a fashion blog I recommended my daughter Alejandra (study design and fashion) and see RLO thought those pictures, apparently so simple, I remember a few canapés I took in Budapest a few years ago. They were simple, unpretentious ... but they were great, so that even today, after 4 years of memories.

The reason I got the idea I do not know, but mentally I thought about those canapés, appetizers, exquisite, delicate, simple and striking and I realized that were like those pictures, I passed feelings, ideas, bring me memories ...

why not make it happen?

Will you be there to check?

Will anyone follow me? Will I be able to transmit it?

I do not know what time shall we say, now I just want to introduce myself and tell you that I intend to, nothing more.

And besides, I have thousands of projects in my mind.

you help me with this?

I gladly accept, ideas, tips or anything, all support is welcome.

Also I leave the fashion blog link that helped me to take this step:

No has nothing to do with my profession, but

has something that makes you stay on it for a while and read it.

is interesting and appealing. Simple and fun.

I spend the day sharing classes, cooking and teaching cooking, talking to employers to find work losalumnos, making training programs, writing prescriptions, scheduling courses ... but I also Like fashion, photography, plants, oil painting and many more.

! Too many hobbies when you do not have much free time!

If I invite you to go to the School:

worth one look.

Hope to see you soon and to exchange views.

Here you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat may be:

They're bananas sautéed in butter, garnished with borage scalded on a co applesauce and n crunchy chocolate.

is new, different and just like this blog, intended to make a good memory.

Today I give the recipe with more detail, it is too much for a first day, but as these photos are all simple elements and well combined, give us a striking result, different, special and even elegant.

As with clothes, we combined well

give the same result.

I've always said the same sentence: