Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scorpio Man Once Loves You


commented that few days ago for health reasons, had almost abandoned the blog.
In fact, between 2009 and 2010, just write anything.
medical problems and that prevented me going.
was born with heart disease: Breast Disease, that I was not discovered until about 19 years, (my heart stopped), along with other problems in the functioning of the left ventricle.
After medical examinations, tests admitted to hospital and 20 days in ICU, I get a "pacemaker."
After the first moments, bad, hard to bear, and overcome the first 2-3 years of adaptation to living with a pacemaker, (my life changed a lot), more or less everything returns to normal, as we understand this.
Nevertheless, I am optimistic by nature, strong constitution, hard working and great willpower. So, to continue with my work 16 hours a day and my life.
still had a third child after all this, against the advice of doctors, who saw in it a high risk. But everything went fine, and born Carlos, my 13 year old son.

to 7 years or so, with my ups and downs, everything went well. But 7 years ago I faced the first operation would be 6 hours and a half, where I was about to lose his life. I was under local anesthesia, I heard everything and was the worst I have experienced. I never forgot.

I could sleep, if my heart would stop in the operation and was aware they needed to help revive, so I had anesthesia crazy: hell.
never understood it, but that the surgeon told me, which I do not want to remember, was a person devoid of tact and sensitivity, treating patients in an undignified and horrible, is just as I tell you.
5 years later, things get complicated. My body, after so many years, began to show signs of rejection of the pacemaker, "Decubitus" callers.
I send the same specialist from Madrid, who raised me a solution about life and death. 50% tells me!, In my mind everything is repeated from years before ...
After visiting many more doctors and opinions I operate again in July 2009. Another doctor this time.

But bad luck makes a silly accident me back into operation in October of that year, thank God it was not the heart. but if another anesthetic and other income.

These Christmas of 2009, the symptoms of rejection pacemaker reappear.
worse, I infects the pacemaker area, fill me with antibiotics and returned to operation in May 2010.

I say it's the latter, which has been so good, but the cables are bad, really bad, tangled and fibrous, so to speak, do not dare to touch them and leave them as they were.
So far so good, but now back again.

are beginning to repeat the symptoms and discomfort. Back pain ... specialists and consultants again:

No registered cases like yours! says one.

do not quite know what to do! Comment on others.

The problem is the pacemaker wires! The has fiber and can not be removed without damaging ...

tell you that in the terrible Madrid operation, changing cables (each pacemaker leads 2), one had to leave in the heart, since they could not remove it without tearing this. So I have 3.

Let me further 2 more cables cut? and another pacemaker put anywhere else? Does having 5 cables in the heart? Rid " the pacemaker?, another doctor tells me .. but .. if my heart is not beating, how will you remove me? I ask in my ignorance.
Do not know what to do with the cables?
That would be a last chance for a heart transplant? ...

What do you ask?

need directions medical articles talk about rejections pacemaker, specialists on the subject: "electrophysiologist (pacemaker specialists), blogs talk heart problems, books, plants and home remedies against infections and inflammations ...
I am willing to learn and study what it takes for my problem, but I do not ever want to operate with a future so uncertain, doubtful and dangerous.
I turn to you, you will have friends, books, known ... anything worth me, help me to read, get in touch with people to know if anyone else with my same problem, (I say no).
I will overcome, I am strong and determined. I am optimistic and brave.
But I keep reading and reading, questions and spoke with doctors and I find no reliable answers, do not know what to do and I feel like a lab rat.

Today I talk about my kitchen, but if my feelings, my fears and I go to the blog if the blog, waiting for answers, tips, web directions, articles, books, doctors ... all I am worth at this time.

always better times will come and as always remato my comments:
Thank a tod @ s who somehow become a part of this,

PS: put another email in case someone wants to connect to the:



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