Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Receding Gum Electric Toothbrush


The holidays were an incredible time in my family.

Each year, we met the cousins, uncles ... reaching nearly 40 or more on many occasions. The truth is that the house where I grew up was vastly larger.
But when that time came up came to seem small, yet they were the best days of the year.

The house was filled with people, friends, family, afternoon tea with a good cake, maybe a port in the evening, items dominoes and card ... talks and jokes, of hours in the heat of the fireplace and music evenings.

The nights seemed to run out, after dinner we stayed playing with my uncles and cousins \u200b\u200buntil my grandmother was a curfew and sent us to bed.

With little desire to sleep and be more willing to stay drinking that glass of anisette small ... we went to bed without complaining.

Eve dinners, New Year and Epiphany, were special.

is often accompanied by fine wines, champagnes and French Burgundies, turkey stuffed with dried fruit with Cumberland sauce accompaniment.
A applesauce, if necessary, the sweet almond cream-pudding and the English plan was put dessert and was served on round tray with a splash of brandy and a Mistletoe leaf top that was carried to the table on fire and with the lights off ...

! What show

I think I have rarely seen anything like it and is one of the traditions that keep Christmas and I repeat every year my home and family.

Rematábamos with typical Christmas cakes, almonds, pine nuts and some polvorones homemade flavor lemon were a delight to the palate.

! My polvorones!

It was in Twelfth Night and at the age of 7 years when the express order of the largest sent us to bed, following shortly after completing dinner. They hurry!

should be told in my family, Twelfth Night was special:

My uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bwere dressed in sheets and pans that were placed on the head and torch in hand began to march through the bottom of the garden. (He was big and had a great distance, so we could not see clearly)

First the phone rang: 211 853 (no longer exists, but that was the number) , was one of my uncles calling from a bar in the street, near the farm, posing as a neighbor, reported that we had just seen the Kings entering the farm.

then told us the largest, with signs of surprise and amazement! and took us upstairs to the gallery, large and huge, with a huge window, where we relied children scared to death, nervous, excited ... waiting to see the arrival of the Magi.

After a few minutes, my uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bappeared at the bottom of the farm, with its flaming torches and sheets tied around his neck.
Iban jumping as if they were riding camels and I remember clearly seeing the King Melchior with a layer of Ermine, in dark blue and white collar, decorated with precious stones, was accompanied by pages and camels laden with gifts ...
What makes a child's imagination ... even today, I'd swear I'd seen him really.

After this unforgettable experience, we put to bed or at least trying, sometimes it was almost impossible (our excitement was indescribable.)

But as fate would have that night with these 7 years, I could sleep and after spending some time and to hear noise, I looked out the top floor where we slept (It was a skylight, which was visible from the living room below), incredulous at what he saw the stairs went down a bit and sitting in one of the rungs of the same, I saw my uncles, cousins, grandparents .... They ate everything we had left for the Kings, as was the presents and ate the special polvorones Kings! my polvorones!. I froze, had discovered the truth!
But I did nothing, did not speak or cry, simply turned around and got into bed, knowing that it had completed a stage in my life. Realizing that began to be more adult and less girl.

The next day, I told my mother, who is scared, he told me not to tell anyone and that Reyes finished the night with the memory of Polvorones of the Magi, in the mouths of my family.

Even today I keep the tradition of preparing them for those dates and as my children are past 13 years, we eat with a good glass of Vintage.



- 125 grs. lard
- 500 grs. roasted flour
- 75 grs. icing sugar
- 1 CHDA. cinnamon
- lemon zest and juice of this


We toast flour moving in a pan to avoid burning.
- Melt the butter and incorporate it as the rest of the ingredients.
- Stir well.
- Fill ramekins with the shape of polvorón glass adorning them with sugar.
- Cut wrapping silk sachets.
- mantecados If we do, replace the cinnamon and ground almonds, baking them for a moment.

Internet Photo taken


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