Saturday, February 19, 2011

Otome Valkyria Stream


were other times, no computers, no phones, video games and certainly not just the 1 and 2 with dots y. .. black and white.
Full of imagination, wanting to kill time, we had useful tools to achieve our objective: the pita, the hideout, cops and robbers, cards, games, meeting jeyper "?, climbs trees, dolls, bikes y. .. what is forbidden.
prohibited As was our favorite pastime: Crossing the basin of the clothes without falling into the water.

the back of the farm, there was a remote area, covered by a roof of pine wood, which was formed by 3 piles of water.
One small, which came clean, fresh water from a spring and out through the mouth of a lion carved in stone.
The truth is that I always was a little afraid
was so big and real!

This pylon, passing the water, to a second pylon called "rinse." With almost 2 meters wide, and 6 long, it was twin, 3, called "the dirty water." Both are separated by a thin wall of cement, about 10 cm wide.

do you already know what we did?. Yes.

Although we had strictly forbidden, one by one, all cousins \u200b\u200band brothers, went down the middle of the 2 pylons, trying to keep the balance not to fall over the water, but ... we had almost always falling and AL DIRTY WATER!
Dead cold, moisture permeating the bones and waiting for a good fight and the appropriate punishment, we returned to the family home, where after the first cries of quarrel, Nevis, the housekeeper, but my dear and incomparable Belles, and he called me, offered us a plate with the sweet.

Prepared by itself, from early morning, with great care, patience and motherly love.

would put the heat of the iron stove and coal, 3 liters of cow milk straight from the cow by farm laborers, managers of the barn that was located at the bottom, well away from home.

The milk was heated slowly with the same weight in sugar.
While stirred, the milk purchase was cooking until brown color and creamy texture, somewhat dense. The little perfumed with vanilla, raw and after nearly 6 hours, I finished something really exquisite.

amazing thing was that this dessert was the feeling of being fresh when we returned from this prank.

That cold that we had inside us and that moisture had seeped, disappeared slowly after taking the first spoonful of the sweet.
was just the sugar and milk fat own home, making us the wetting recuperásemos ever.
After a pledge not to repeat it and, at least I never met, came a hot bath and a new move.
God knows how many times that I'll be down there, but were so as not to have forgotten.

I remember that cold in my body, the moisture in my bones and my feet frozen. But that sweet Nieves, my irreplaceable Belles, who was always there for me, who until 92 years stood at my side, who gave birth to my 2 older children, and to whom I owe almost everything I am.
To her, one of the people I loved most in my life, I dedicate this post today.


3 liters of whole milk or preferably homemade
its weight in sugar
a vanilla pod

Mix everything and put the fire under, and go stirring frequently until a few hours, start to take a dark tan or creamy texture.
may be consumed cold, hot or warm.
bar in camera or hold at least a week.
can be taken on toast, snack alternative.

Internet photo taken


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